Our Story

Our story

This journey began back in 2021 whilst away from family and friends in London working on the pandemic response. After a busy day's work trying to relax in my hotel, I observed something that would change my outlook and future direction. With my typical Chinese takeaway and bottle of pop (sometimes topped up with a little and much needed whiskey) watching TV with the first pandemic wave unfolding on our shores, I looked out the window and so a stranger running along the pavement. I thought to myself I can continue to work myself to the bone and doing nothing productive in the evenings on future visits to London or bring my trainers and gym kit on my next visit to give this running malarky a whirl. 

My first pavement run really did not go too well at all. I think I only run a few flat miles. However, after the run I felt much better for getting some fresh air processing some challenging tasks throughout my long working day and benefited from being physically as well as emotionally exhausted. I did not let any initial setbacks deter me from giving this running malarkey a proper go. This quickly resulted in much longer and harder runs mainly along the Thames river and then expanded onto hilly trail runs across the Peak District exploring what beautiful surrounding areas of my current base in south Sheffield. These runs are both peaceful and became much more enjoyable over time and would urge anyone to give it a go or enjoy the great outdoors more. 

On reflection, I really believe running and being more active outdoors help me grieve and process the horrors of the global pandemic. I also lost my father a few years back and had not grieved the loss as too focused wrongly on my career and progressing up the ladder to support my young family better. 

My eagerness to expand my horizons I signed up to 10K challenges, then half marathons, which then resulted in a late entry with Brain Research UK for the London Marathon 2023, raising over £850,000. Last month, I gave my first mini ultra a go and signing up to more active challenges in 2024. 

Urban Peaks formed organically in the summer of 2022 through a passion about getting more people active outside. Initially we formed a great run club who all successfully completed the couch to 5km challenge last summer. Clients remained and we are focused on future events together, including triathlons, trail adventures, cycling plus much more keeping fit, healthy and happy. We expanded rapidly due to increasing demands and now offer an array of events, guided packages and services. 

Come and join us anytime!

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